Friday, June 24, 2005

The Apology You Didn't Hear

The Daily News has in the past reported charges made about national figures Justice Scalia, Tom DeLay and Trent Lott. Frequently these receive prominent display in the paper befitting serious concern. When similar charges are made against prominent Democrats the Daily News can't find space in their paper to tell that story. The pattern is repeated over and over.

Recently, Democrat Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois compared treatment of detainees at the US Military base in Guantanamo Cuba to actions by Nazi's and the killing fields of Pol Pot's Cambodia. These remarks were supported by Democrat leadership but denounced by the White House and various Republican legislators. Censuring Durbin for his remarks was being considered while Durbin continued to defend himself. On Tuesday, Chicago Mayor Richard Daily said of Durbin, "He is a good friend of mine, but I think it is a disgrace to say that any man or woman in the military acts like that. Read the history of the Holocaust...Nothing can compare with the Holocaust...It is so disrespectful for all the victims of the Holocaust." Suddenly everything changed and Durban was back on the floor of the senate issuing an apology while leaving his defenders with egg on their faces. Unlike other national political stories the Daily News didn't report this controversy, so it shouldn't surprise anyone when they also failed to report the apology of the Senate's second ranking Democrat.

Today the Daily News reports on remarks by Karl Rove that cast liberals in a bad light. Democrats reacting to the story, and assuming that liberal is synonymous with Democrat, denounced the comments and called on the Republicans for an apology and/or resignation. Still ignoring Dick Durbin's apology however.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, you're back and in true form.

I am waiting for someone to prove that Rove's observations are wrong...he accurately described the response to 9-11 espoused by many, many liberals in this area. As a conservative, I clearly remember looking at the burning towers on TV that morning and concluding that this was the beginning of a global war against terrorism -- period. When I got home a few days later, I discovered that many locals were babbling about "the root causes" and "how we brought this on ourselves". Rove hit the nail on the head...and the truth hurts so bad. The apologies should come from the politicians and citizens who are patriotic when it is convenient.

Can't wait to read the coverage of the anti-war anarchists rally Saturday night in Palo Alto.

7:02 PM  

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