Thursday, April 28, 2005

Code Enforcement

Menlo Park's Willows neighborhood has a market--La Hacienda--that runs a check cashing operation. Because the store has been held up a number of times, residents are concerned about the situation and would like the market to stop the check cashing part of their business. Menlo Park's city attorney has told residents that the store's operation is legal and not much can be done. Today's page one story reveals how an enterprising citizen has located an obscure law which requires check cashing operations to obtain a license. La Hacienda, it seems, does not have the license. This gives hope to those wanting the store to suffer the consequences--as if the robberies were not enough,

Meanwhile, The Burning Squirrel can report findings of lesser concern to those in the Willows neighborhood-- Penal Code, section 211-215
Robbery is the felonious taking of personal property in the possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will, accomplished by means of force or fear.

Regardless how unfashionable it may seem, residents would be advised to pay closer attention to the penal code than the civil code. Holding the victim responsible for the crime just isn't right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're being facetious when you call the Office of the Attorney General, State of California, Department of Justice "Check Casher Permit Program" law obscure, aren't you?

5:22 AM  
Blogger Robert Holmgren said...

A law that I was not aware of would be by that very statement obscure. La Hacienda was also unaware of the law. However, the post should have noted that Menlo Park city attorney Bill McClure said it was obscure. Those aware of the law seem to be a very special group--of which you seem to be one.

7:04 PM  

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