Monday, March 21, 2005

Magid on Hypocrisy

Larry Magid writes knowledgably about technology and health issues for the Daily News. But today he is given space for an editorial comment on the Terri Schiavo matter. To his credit Magid doesn't pretend to know more about the case than the most diligent reporter; his effort is directed towards ferreting out political hypocricy. Magid feels groups--'the religious right'--that establish a framework from which to base decisions on a variety of issues, should adhere to this framework in all cases. Failure to do so brings on the charge of hypocrisy--surely one of the most heinous charges that can be made.

Magid feels that because 'the religious right' has expressed a high regard for the life of the brain damaged Terri Schiavo, they should therefore sign-up to all forms of legislation that contribute to health and safety, including lower priced drugs for seniors. How convienient, how sweeping, how without regard to possible problems. For instance; A group supporting the slow starvation of Schiavo they would then, for the sake of consistancy, be obligated to allow starvation as an appropriate means to carry out the death penalty--or suffer being labeled a hypocrite.

Magid is free to make up his mind on a variety of issues using whatever complex thoughts he decides to use. His decisions shouldn't have to meet an unchanging litmus test. Unfortunately, Magid does not want others to have this choice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is sort of interesting that born again Christians who feel that being with Jesus is your "heavenly reward" are nevertheless adamantly opposed to anyone getting there as quickly as possible. It's the atheists that should be fighting to spare her life, since they believe this life is all there is, not the Christians. It seems all who knew Terry are projecting their own wishes as if they were Terry's; there exists no record to indicate what Terry herself would have wanted.

5:04 PM  
Blogger Robert Holmgren said...

"It seems all who knew Terry are projecting their own wishes as if they were Terry's; there exists no record to indicate what Terry herself would have wanted."

Right, and absent such a statement the court has imagined one into being.

5:23 PM  

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